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today i've read an article from the spiritical person in indonesia. 'Andri Wongso' his name. mostly people know about him. i'will share story what his team wrote on their website today. 

this story is about shipwreck tragedy, the only one survivors from that wrecked ship stranded on an uninhabited island. he prayed all time to God to save him from the island, and everyday he observed the sky to search some signs that useful to help him, but unfortunatly he get nothing everyday.
feeling tired, he finally decided to build a small house to protect him from weather and to save him from wild animal. but one day, after returning from searching for food, he finds his little house was in fire. with smoke rolling up the sky.

everything was worst for him now, and he gets angry with God and shouted all negatif words to God. in the next morning, he surprised when the others ship just landed in the beach next to place of the man stay. and actually cause the fire burning the people around the island looking the code in the sky and actually find him.

everybody mostly like a man in this story. we often easily discouraged, sad, and always dissapointed when the thing goes bad, or inappropriate expectation with he plans,  but remember God  always know about your life, and God never leave you  even in bad situation. always believe God and prayed to God.

the real post from andri wongso  is in this link . you can check n read it. the post is in bahasa.

*just on review video when costa concordia gets accident in rome italia

keep on sharing, and thankfull to GOD


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