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life without limbs,,,

nick vujicic,
life without arm, life without legs, life without worries,,
check this video,,, and you can feel u're nothing

bnyak hikmah yg kita ambil dari video ini, seorang yg mempunyai disability dari ia lahir,, tapi ia ga mau nyerah gtu aja,, dia ttep semgat dan nunjukin klo ia bisa dan ga akan nyerah krena keterbatasan

i very like this sesion when he dropped his body to the table and he said
"i my fall down like this,,, ( he dropped his body to table),, and he said again, "so what will you do if you falldown,,? ya,, get wake up,, but everybody knows how to wake up,, because they have foot for walking and hand for reach  somthing,, and me,,? i'm down here, face down,, and i dont have leg to help me wake up,, its should be impossible for me to wake up,, but i still try, try and try to wake up eventhough i fail until hundread times i still try,, and the finally, i can show the right way how to wake up properly,,"

huft,, little cry when i was saw this, very amazing for me, cause he show me something that i must do more cause alhamdulillah i have more lucky ( just in body ya,,, ) ya i've complete body than him,, 

if i fail,, i try again again and again,, untill i find the way how to be i can reach something,, and believe that nothing finish if i give up in middle of the way to be succsess,, 
like the nikc vujicic do,,

if you fail, are u going to try again,,
the human spirit can handle much more than we realize,
its matters HOW u're going to finish,, u're going to finish STRONG or u're going to finish just so so or even that weak,, 

I try to like u nick, u  always thankful for evrything that u had,
i believe my ALLAH, believe HIM, and be grateful to Him,, and i also try to always thankful for everythng that i had,,

look at yourself after u watch and read this,
in life u have choose 
choose BETTER forget bitter

never give up, 
cause you have inear ability but you still didnt reach and knows that,,
explore your self, 
and you'll fine 
who u're exactly,,

get inspired from you
nick vujicic


  1. Anonim mengatakan...:

    and also me still nothing

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